One down; One to go
Well, I just got done with my first final. I don't have another one until Friday, which is good because it will give my hand a chance to recover. I had to handwrite my test today....all I can say is that mad props to all of you back at Wyoming who hand wrote there tests this year. I couldn't do it and my grade will reflect that fact. My hand started hurting after about five minutes and my handwriting got steadily worse as the test went on. It didn't help that the test was probably the worst test I have ever taken.
I hated this test because it was how fast you can write. The test was so broad and general that anyone could have done well on that test if they could write fast. I new this stuff inside and out and could have done a lot better if the questions weren't the way they were. Now, I am thrown back into the rest of the class. To give you a general idea about how broad the freaking questions were the last question was, "You are the lawyer for 'said' client who has never done business internationally before but is about to start getting into the international business area. Please describe for your client the process of imports and exports, what laws apply, who are the players, etc...?" All I have to say to that question is..... @#$^$^%*&^*&!@#! That was they worst question ever written and it was the last question on the test which means that everyone was time crunched when they got to it. To give you an idea about how broad that question is, just my outline for imports and exports was twenty pages (and that was a short outline for me) and the applicable law for the question covered about 200 pages of statutes, regulations, and procedures. Needless to say, I guess, all I need is a C to have it transfer to UW so here hoping.
Also, it was extremely differently not being in the US for the Fourth. Oh, I also wanted to so congrats to my cousin, Stacey, who got married over the weekend. (I'm sorry I couldn't be there).
Well, it is back to studying and time to forget about this test that I just took.
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