Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th of July!!!

Well, this is one day that I wish that I was back in Wyoming so that I could see the fireworks on the fourth. Well, that and so that I didn't have to study for finals. Anyways, Happy 4th everyone!!!

Finals suck, by the way. Talk about a dose of reality. I have been studying all weekend and while I think I get most of the stuff for my test tomorrow, I still have a long day of studying ahead of me. At the same time, it still hasn't hit me that I actually have a final tomorrow.

This past weekend was nothing special except for the Live 8 concert. It was interesting to go to. We got there about three hours after it started and missed all of the English speaking bands except for two. However, the Italian bands that went on for the rest of the night were pretty good. Some of them were really good even though I couldn't understand a word that they said. At that concert, I saw the most amount of drugs that I have ever seen. Everywhere you looked there were people doing drugs. Which is fine for them, just different for me to see all the time. All in all, it was a good time and something that I can say that I was a part of.

Well, back to studying....

Again, Happy Fourth of July!!!